The Hand Dubbed Buddies Club
has been rolling right along! We appreciate all the subscribers that have joined so far. You
can still join the club HERE
to get gold mail order edition cassettes of all 2019 HDBC releases.
The next two installments in the series will be out on 9/26/19! HDBC-004 is Young Hellions "Singles Still Steady" and HDBC-005 is Charlie Continental "Staycation: The Early SPELLS Demos". If the club subscription isn't your your speed, you can always grab gray open edition cassettes HERE. The Young Hellions' contribution to the HDBC contains 3 tunes from a 2009 recording project that featured longtime SLN collaborators Bryce McPherson (Snake Mountain), Chuck Coffey (Eyes & Ears, SPELLS, Bad Year, Dust Heart) and Johnny Miller (Friends Of Cesar Romero). Charlie Continental's newest HDBC offering is pretty self-explanatory based on the title! We'll have one more surprise HDBC installment before the 2019 edition is a wrap, thanks for riding with us!
The Staff