It's finally here! The debut album from Foxhall Stacks, "The Coming Collapse", is officially out today! The LP is pressed on sea glass colored vinyl and includes a download code. You can also download or stream digitally on all your favorite platforms. By now you've heard all about Foxhall Stacks and their Washington, DC origins and pedigrees. Here's the thing though... "The Coming Collapse" transcends all that. While certainly benefiting from the combined experiences of all the members, the album is a power pop masterpiece that far exceeds the sum of it's parts. 110% was put into the songs on this album and the listener will not only be instantly rewarded, but continually rewarded exponentially on repeat listens. You can order the LP from our Web Store HERE or grab it digitally via our bandcamp HERE. The LP will also be distributed by our usual partners at Recess Ops, plus Dischord Direct is helping out as well. This is a landmark album and we are super stoked to be a part of it. Order the LP, download the album, listen loud, stream, share and whatever else you like to do with great new music. This one is a SMASH!! Pressing Info: 300 12" LP's on sea glass vinyl, download code included.
The Staff