The two latest installments of the Hand Dubbed Buddies Club are both out now! First up, Hooper brings us "Goodnight Maurice b/w Big Guy, Big Day" (SLN-165/HDBC-002) which are two post-hardcore college-rock gems with that slight pop sheen we've come to expect from such a musically well versed band. Does any other band really encapsulate as many punk and indie sub-genres as well as Hooper and with such precision? We think not. They provide a 50-years-of-music lesson in each song. Pay attention! Next up is SPELLS, who make a bit of a left turn with "Charlie & The Shithead Take It Down A Notch, Part I" (SLN-166/HDBC-003). That's a long but interesting title, right? Here's the deal in a nutshell- it's acoustic SPELLS. No, not SPELLS-Lite or SPELLS-Grows-Up or any nonsense like that. It's literally Charlie & The Shithead and they're doing what they do in SPELLS but without amplification. Charlie bangs on an acoustic guitar and harmonizes with The Shithead's tunefully chaotic vocal ramblings. The release features 3 tracks from SPELLS' full-band catalog, stripped down and reinterpreted with approval from P., Duke and Ella. Just listen already! It's good, cross our hearts. Plus it's just Part I. So Part II is forthcoming, but not just yet. Both releases come on Gold Mail Order Edition cassettes with HDBC subscriptions (still available HERE) or can be ordered individually as Gray Open Edition cassettes through our Web Store. Both releases are also up on our bandcamp and all your favorite digi-streaming sites. The cassettes are only available directly from us or the bands. Sorry, thems club rules! Now get out there and tell all your friends! Please. Thanks. Pressing Info: SLN-165/HDBC-002 & SLN-166/HDBC-003 - Hand Dubbed Buddies Club custom cassettes (Gold Mail
Order Editions or Gray Open Editions). Only available directly from SLN
or the artists. Download codes included.
The Staff