New Records In The Distro!
You may have noticed that we created a Snappy Little Store over the summer. Part of the store includes our Snappy Little Distro and we've slowly been adding titles. The latest batch warrants a post though. We have finally added some 7"s from one of Denver's most legendary labels, Paco Garden Records! Paco Garden was a Denver fixture throughout most of the 90's and early 00's and released records by some fantastic bands like Four! and The Messyhairs. Not Bad World Industries inherited the catalog from pal and PG owner Dave awhile back and now we have what's left. Cruise on over to the store and pick out an old fave to catch up on! We've also printed off a round of new posters and flyers featuring the Snappy Little Numbers catalog. We'll toss in a cool full-color flyer with any order as well as some of the usual extras we like to throw on top of an order before we seal and ship. It's always a good time for record buyin' and we appreciate it when you buy from us!
The Staff