Thursday, December 24, 2020

Thanks & Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes!

Thanks so much to all of our wonderful friends, fans and bands that supported all the social causes and small, local Denver-area independent businesses we raised funds for in 2020. Because of your generosity, we were able to donate more than $1,200 among all the various beneficiaries. We are a very small record label and the fact that so many people could come together over music to help their communities says a lot. So many hugs and many more thanks!
Also, we're gonna be making some fun changes for 2021.  We've already started with a revamp of our WEB STORE.  We're not done yet, but it's still fully operational while under construction.  We'll be adding more features and enhancements that will make it much easier to learn about and listen to our quality audio recordings and the talent that makes them.  More info on what else 2021 will bring will arrive in January, which will be our 10th Anniversary!  We have some cool plans for that.  Thanks again for following along and please enjoy whatever holiday-type break you get when you get it!
The Staff