Monday, June 24, 2019

Beat The Summer Heat With Two Cool New Cassingles!

We are keeping the release schedule busy this summer!  July will see the release of two new EPs in the always classy cassingle format.  First up, Lawsuit Models will bring us "Long Drives/Dark Nights" on 7/5/19.  Lawsuit Models have been with SLN since 2015 and this is their first new music since last year's stellar "Off the Pavement" LP.  We're releasing this in conjunction with our buds at Motorcycle Potluck Records and the release show is slated for 7/6/19 at Streets Denver (yep, in Denver).  Shortly after that, Zephyr will be hitting us with their recording debut, titled "We Like What You Like", on 7/12/19.  Zephyr is a brand new trio from Denver, CO made up of folks that also put work in with Lawsuit Models (how about that!) and Swindlin' Hearts.  They have a release show on 7/13/19 at The Moon Room in Denver.  You can preview singles from each band on our bandcamp sampler right now!
The Staff