Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Two New Releases Coming Soon! Glass Hits Contest!

Let's get 2014 going!  Next up on the release schedule is a Double Cassingle by Denver's own Shining Wires, due out late winter.  You can check out a track on our updated sampler to the left, or download the whole sampler HERE for free.  Fans of smart pop-punk will dig!  Start warming up your voices now, every tune is a sing-a-long toe-tapper.  Around the same time will be a fresh Single from garage stomp neo-legends, Friends Of Cesar Romero.  It's fitting that they'll usher back in our favorite format, the 7" 45 vinyl single!  Here's something cool to close out this update: for you Instagram types, go find @purgeb4ubinge and enter the contest for a free copy of the Glass Hits limited edition version of their "Better Never Than Late" LP.  You know, the rad clear/black split color vinyl with special screened/stamped sleeves one that you should have ordered already!  Just find the contest pic before February 1st, then repost and tag #glasshits and #snappylittlenumbers. Very cool!  Don't sleep on this record fans, supplies are dwindling on the limited edition batch.  OK, type at y'all soon!
The Staff