Posters, Samplers, Giveaways, Other Stuff!
Greetings friends and listeners! You may have noticed a few updates to the site here. We've got the Adoptions section rolling, posted a track by The Reddmen to Soundcloud and livened up some links. We also have a bandcamp page now! The link under the Sounds header will direct you to a 4 Song Sampler that you can download for free. If you wanna donate a buck or two that option is also there. Want to know another way to get free stuff? Any order placed through us will come with a free mini poster (look left!) to hang in your room or locker or tent or wherever you like to show people what good taste you have. That's a "while supplies last" deal. Once those are gone we'll have another free bonus for orders. More on that later on. We should have some announcements by the end of the summer as to who the lucky bands are that will comprise our 3rd and 4th releases. Thanks loyal followers, catch ya next time! Love,
The Staff