The punk rock print and web institution know as Razorcake recently featured not one, but two bitchin' reviews of the "Messin' Around" single by The Manxx. We already know that every record we release is a smash, but it's quite nice when others take notice. The review by contributor Bryan Static can be found HERE, while the review by super-punk-rock-famous contributor Rev Norb (Boris The Sprinkler anyone?) can be found HERE. Thanks Razorcakers!
The Staff
"Silver Ceiling" is a new digi-single by a new act, On Holiday. Filed under Modern Classics, Snappy Little Archives is branching out to include digi-only releases by current artists. Jenny Calgary and Charlie Continental make up the duo that is On Holiday. They occasionally gather to dabble in lo-fi electro-pop-whatever and "Silver Ceiling" is the earliest result. Head HERE to check it out. You might notice there isn't a song called Silver Ceiling. We think that might be On Holiday's "thing" when naming releases. We like it. The trusty crew at SLN will be sure to holler when we have another Modern Classic to share. iMuchas Gracias!
The Staff
25 Rifles' "History Of Flags" EP recently made a Top Ten list over at The Big Takeover. Have a look HERE. Pretty cool huh? We appreciate the attention, as does the band I'm sure! The Friends Of Cesar Romero Single is still in the production line but is right on schedule for an early summer release. Tour plans are in the works. Summer is looking very, very good!
The Staff
Hey gang! The Manxx single has been featured over at the 7 Inches blog. Hop on over to the 7 Inches review HERE. It's an awesome write-up! Basically, a lifetime of thanks go to Jason at 7 Inches for his support since the very beginning. In other news, the Friends Of Cesar Romero Single has been mastered and will be off to the pressing plant after we get the plating done. It'd gonna be here soon and we are all pumped! Love,
The Staff